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1、水系统:为避免未通水或水压过低,加装水压检测,水压未达到使 用要求,设备无法运行并报警提示; 2、压力安全保障:设定充气压力,排气上下限,通过控制合理充气压 力,压力达到排气上限自动泄压来保障安全,并加装机械式安全阀作 为第二道安全保障,极大的保障设备安全; 3、一键启动系统:未避免操机人员对设备了解不够造成误操作,我们 设置好一键启动系统,用户只需设定好热处理回火工艺,打开自动启 1. Water system: in order to avoid the failure of water flflow or low water pressure, add  water pressure detection, water pressure does not meet the requirements of use,  equipment can not operate and alarm; 2, pressure safety guarantee: set the inflflation pressure, exhaust upper and lower  limits, by controlling the reasonable inflflation pressure, pressure reaches the exhaust  upper limit automatic pressure relief to ensure safety, and install mechanical safety  valve as the second safety guarantee, greatly ensure the safety of equipment; 3, a key launch system: not prevent the fuck machine technician to understand  enough equipment cause wrong operation, we set up a key launch system, the users  only need to set a good tempering heat treatment process, open the automatic start  button, the equipment is automatic, nitrogen fifilling, heating, vacuum pressure relief  automatically after open fan until the end of the process, as far as possible to reduce  the operating quality of the machine; 4. Interlock: vacuumization and heating, running fan, charging, exhaust, etc. can not  be carried out at the same time, and the heating in vacuum state affffects the uniformity of furnace temperature; The motor coil is burned out when the fan is running under  vacuum condition. When vacuumizing, turn on the gas and exhaust, resulting in  vacuumization failure or failure to meet the set vacuum requirements, etc. Interlocking function can avoid these risks. 控制系统 炉外温控系统采用日本进口岛电智能数显温度控制器,通过对其合理参数设定,可以达到加热温区最佳控制,利用其在线自整定功能,能计算出 炉子的最佳 PID 参数,达到较为理想的温度稳定性。内控温度为 10 寸液晶显示触摸屏,自动显示记录工艺流程曲线,机械动作及控温可以在触 摸屏上操作,操作方便。简单。根据客户需求,一炉多用,整台设备控制分为自动和手动,可以设置一键启动,也可以手动开启任意一个机械动作, 灵活操作。 1.1 控温仪表 Control system The temperature control system of the furnace adopts the intelligent digital temperature controller imported from Japan, which can achieve the best control of the heating  temperature area by setting reasonable parameters. The optimal PID parameters of the furnace can be calculated by using its online self-tuning function, so as to achieve the  ideal temperature stability. Internal temperature control for 10 inch LCD touch screen, automatic display record process curve, mechanical action and temperature control can be  operated on the touch screen, easy to operate. Simple. According to customer demand, one furnace multi-purpose, the whole equipment control is divided into automatic and  manual, can set a key to start, can also manually open any mechanical action, flflexible operation. 1.1 Temperature controller table 动按钮,设备即自动抽真空、充氮气、加热、开启风机直至工艺结束后 自动泄压,尽可能降低对操机人员的素质要求; 4、互锁:程序设定抽真空与加热、运行风机、充气、排气、等均不可同 时进行,真空状态加热影响炉温均匀性;抽真空状态运行风机导致电 机线圈烧坏;抽真空时,打开充气、排气,导致无法抽真空或者达不到 设定真空要求等问题,通过互锁功能,可规避这些风险。